This post is to thank my White Blood Corpuscles.
I am immune to a lot of common 'diseases' that my friends normally are attacked by. And as I was studying Biology, I realised that if I have to be grateful for everything that I've got, why not start with my WBCs?
Thank you, WBCs, for protecting me and fighting the ghastly bacteria that threaten to eat my insides away.
And, of course, my platelets.:D:D
I think, with the innumerable times I've got cuts, I wouldn't be typing out these words if it weren't for my platelets. Thanks for clotting my blood and preventing me from bleeding to a gory death.
I think it's a good thing that something like Biology has inspired me to write. So I guess it wasn't a waste of time after all.
Yes, Bio has gotten to me. Don't be shocked if I start thanking Electricity for being there, before my Physics exam. Nuh-uh.
:D:D:D I hope you all are thanking your WBCs and other things too. Charity starts at Home, and your body is the Home of your soul. So be good to your body, it'll be good to you!:D:D:D
signing out....Jozie
10 years ago
WBC'S! wow. I wish I could be inspired by Bio! thats the mark of a great writer. One who can be inspired by the most mudane things and inspire others with their inspiration. Okay that made no sense whatsoever :S!
But I hope you got the gist of what I'm trying to say!
commerce ppl ---tchah---
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